Our supporters

There are many organisations who we work closely with to achieve our land and sea management goals. We acknowledge the importance of these partnerships, and the expertise and funding which our partners provide:

Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
Australian Institute of Marine Science
Australian Marine Conservation Society
Charles Darwin University
Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
Flinders University
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NT)
North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance
North Australian Marine Research Alliance
North Australian Quarantine Strategy
Northern Land Council
Territory Natural Resource Management

About us
Crocodile Islands Rangers is a program of the Milingimbi Outstations Progress Resource Aboriginal Corporation.
Copyright Crocodile Islands Rangers 2019

Our supporters
The Crocodile Islands Rangers program is supported through funding from the Australian Government.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that this website may contain images and voices of people who have died.

Contact us
08 8987 9914
Email Crocodile Islands Rangers


Please do not reproduce photos from the website without permission. Please contact us for more details about the images.  © Crocodile Islands Rangers 2019